Presence of Cerberus Tactical Units Escalates Tensions in Bozoum Province

The deployment of private military contractor (PMC) units from Cerberus Tactical in Bozoum Province has intensified local conflicts, with the units protecting mining operations amidst ongoing violence from gangs and rebels. This strategic move underscores the complex dynamics of the region, highlighting both the economic stakes and the humanitarian concerns.

Cerberus Tactical official logo

Cerberus Tactical official logo

Bozoum Province, Central African Republic – In a region already fraught with instability and conflict, the arrival of private military contractor (PMC) units from Cerberus Tactical has added a new layer of complexity to the situation. As tensions rise, the mission of these units, hired to protect valuable mining operations, underscores the volatile dynamics at play in Bozoum Province.

Private Military Contractors: A Controversial Presence

The deployment of Cerberus Tactical, a notorious PMC group known for its involvement in high-risk operations worldwide, signals a significant escalation in the ongoing security efforts around the lucrative mining sites in Bozoum. The province, rich in rare minerals, has become a hotspot for economic exploitation and violent confrontations.

Protecting Interests Amid Chaos

Cerberus Tactical’s mission in Bozoum is multi-faceted. Primarily, they are tasked with safeguarding the mining facilities and personnel from the frequent attacks by gangs, paramilitary groups, and various rebel factions that operate with impunity in the region. The PMC’s mandate includes repelling assaults, ensuring the smooth continuation of mining activities, and maintaining a controlled environment around the extraction sites.

However, their presence is not just about defense. Reports indicate that Cerberus Tactical units are also involved in negotiating with local military forces, a process that often involves substantial financial incentives to secure their cooperation. Additionally, the PMC is responsible for keeping civilians at bay, further complicating the local humanitarian situation.

Cerberus Tactical units in Bozoum Province

Cerberus Tactical units deployed in Bozoum Province to protect mining operations. (ANN)

Rising Tensions and Local Impact

The impact of Cerberus Tactical’s operations on the local population is significant. Many civilians have been displaced from their homes as the PMC establishes secure perimeters around mining sites. This displacement has led to increased tensions, with locals accusing the contractors of heavy-handed tactics and a disregard for community welfare.

Rebel groups and gangs, seeing the lucrative operations as both a target and a resource, have intensified their efforts to disrupt the mining activities. This has led to a cycle of violence, with Cerberus Tactical units frequently engaging in firefights with these armed factions.

International Scrutiny

The involvement of Cerberus Tactical in Bozoum has not gone unnoticed by the international community. Human rights organizations have raised concerns about the conduct of PMCs in conflict zones, highlighting the potential for abuse and the lack of accountability mechanisms. The situation in Bozoum is being closely monitored, with calls for greater transparency and oversight of PMC activities.

A Broader Geopolitical Context

The strategic importance of Bozoum’s mineral wealth cannot be overstated. The minerals extracted here are vital for various industries worldwide, making the region a focal point of international interest. The presence of Cerberus Tactical, with its reputation and resources, reflects the high stakes involved in securing these assets.


As Cerberus Tactical continues its operations in Bozoum, the province remains a tinderbox of conflicting interests and volatile alliances. The presence of such a formidable PMC underscores the complexity of securing economic interests in conflict zones. While their mission aims to protect and facilitate mining activities, the broader implications for local stability and international relations are profound.

For ANN News, this is Jullian Mendez, reporting from Bozoum Province, Central African Republic.

Julian Mendez is a specialist correspondent. In 2010, he won the Myles Kedrowski Award for Human Interest Writing for coverage of the Altian Diaspora. Previously with the Morning Tribune, Julian joined AAN in 2014.

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